

Table of Contents

gott is a Railway Oriented Programming library for Go.

Version 1 of gott is deprecated, please use version 2 which uses generics

In ROP a program is a chain of functions wrapped in blocks resembling track switches. It’s a simplification of an Either monad.

gott provides N types of blocks:

  • Bind, which wraps a function that continues on the happy track or switches to the sad track

  • Map, which wraps a function that will alwayc continue on the happy track

  • Tee, which wraps a function performing side effects and can switch to the sad track

  • SafeTee, which is to Tee what Map is to Bind

  • Recover, which wraps a function that tries to return to the happy Path

  • Catch, which switches to the sad track in case of a panic

  • Handle, which does different things depending on which track the processing is


Provided functions are methods of Result and return Result so that they can be chained.

Usage can be seen in tests, the simplest being

import (
func divide5(by …​interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	if b := by[0].(int); b == 0 {
		return Tuple(by), errors.New("divideByZero")
	} else {
		return 5 / b, nil
func main() {
	s, e := NewResult(5).Bind(divide5).Finish()
	// s == 1; e == nil


The canonical repository for this project is https://git.apiote.xyz/gott.git it’s mirrored at https://notabug.org/apiote/gott

Mirrors exist solely for the sake of the code and any additional functions provided by third-party services (including but not limited to issues and pull requests) will not be used and will be ignored.


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